Michelin's "A Better Way. A Better Play." High School Plays Of The Week
After each "Friday Night's" varsity football game, Ragin Bulls fans will be able to cast their vote on the "Play of the Week." Voting will be from Monday at 12pm to Monday at 12pm following each varsity game. Hickory Ridge High School will be competing against all of the other Central North Carolina High Schools. The winning school each week will win $250 and their "Play of the Week" video will be displayed on the Carolina Panthers website, as well as, the Carolina Panthers Jumbo-tron. Each "Play of the Week" will be elibigle for the "Play of the Season." The High School that wins "Play of the Season" will receive $2,000. Please click the following link for details and to cast your vote: http://www.abetterplay.com/video/current/home/cnc